Instead of running down the details of the past few months and trying to add a bunch of pics, I am just going to give a quick outline (you should join facebook if you want to see pics...faster to upload there!)
Tragedy struck our family just after father-in-law unexpectedly passed away while on vacation in a drowning accident off the coast of the Dominican Republic. Our family was husband was so strong during this very difficult time...he is trying to provide support and strength to his mom and also take care of his very pregnant wife and his children.
We stayed in Florida as long as we could, but being 35 weeks pregnant at the time I needed to get back to Kansas. We celebrated Christmas in Kansas, just Tom, I, and the kids since I could not travel. I was pretty anxious that baby would come on Christmas (it did not help that it snowed for days right around Christmas).
Baby Gemma Marie Lupoli was born as scheduled by c-section (I had c-sections with Michael and Sofia)...she was 7 lbs 12 oz with a head full of dark hair!! Wouldn't be one of ours without the hair!!! I will try to post pictures here soon, but I have lots on facebook already :) This was probably the most difficult c-section recovery for me...physically I got hit with two colds (gifts from Michael) and a horrible 24 hour GI bug...coughing and vomiting just days after a c-section is not fun. And the lifting that is required with Sofia really drained me. I took a couple of weeks off of taking her to therapies, but wanted to get back into routine as soon as I felt like I could manage.
Then once again our family was hit with difficult was discovered that my mother-in-law had a very large tumor on her kidney. Tom headed back down to Florida to be by her side as she had major surgery to remove her kidney. She is 4 weeks post-op and is recovering well.
In Sofia news, she is doing really great!!! She crawls super speed now, pulls up to stand so easily, cruises some on furniture, is getting the hang of her gait trainer, crawls up onto Michael's bed, and is self-feeding like a champ!!! Verbally still no words, but new sounds...the latest are E's and N's. Planning on a laundry list of appts for her (on top of her therapy) so we can see the specialists and run any tests that may need to be done before our move back to Florida in July.
Check back over the next couple of weeks as I get pictures uploaded and add in more details of what is happening with the Lupoli's...
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