August is always a busy month because both kids have a birthday and it is our wedding anniversary. Six years Tom and I have been married!! And it is amazing just how much has happened in the past six years, including graduation from med school, surviving residency, buying and selling our first house, having two children with a third on the way, and another big out of state move that has us in the final year of Tom's fellowship.
Michael turned four on August 16th (happens to be the same date as our wedding anniversary) and Sofia turned two on August 23rd. We had a party at the large church next door to us that has this huge indoor play area...the kids loved it!!! It was a combination of Michael's preschool friends, playgroup and mom's group friends, and Sofia's therapists and their kids. It was the first time several of Sofia's therapists had met and for quite a bit of the time several of them had whisked Sofia away to "play" with her!! I had been worried that Sofia would be overwelmed by all the activity, but she did great and she even decided that eating birthday cake was a good thing...much to the delight of her feeding therapists!! A big adventure for the girl who disliked sweets until this point. We want to express a great thanks to all that attended the party!!
The month of August also included a Neurology appointment for Sofia...the neurologist feels Sofia is progressing (not regressing, which is good) and she is going along her own path that is quite a bit below the typical child and seems stable, but is not catching up. And the question is if she will ever catch up? Hard to say at this age. He believes whatever is going on with Sofia is brain-based. He doesn't feel any additional testing is needed on his end, except for perhaps repeating the brain MRI she had at 10 months old. It is Tom and I's decision to weigh the risk of anesthesia to do a test that will probably show no changes from the first but will perhaps provide some reassurance. We decided that we will most likely do the MRI at some point before we leave Kansas and the access we have to a great Children's Hospital.
Sofia also received her stander after a few phone calls to the durable medical equipment company who was holding it hostage while waiting on insurance...I basicly told them that Sofia might not need it anymore if we have to wait for insurance!!! So it was provided as a loaner until insurance came through (which luckily it did...a bit worrisome when a $3,000 piece of equipment is delivered).
Sofia also started aquatic therapy!! It is physical therapy in the water...but to Sofia it is mostly just a lot of fun!!
Kids also had their well check visits with the pediatrician....Sofia continues to be my skinny, tall girl at about 21 lbs (3rd %tile) and 35 inches (85th %tile) and Michael is my average boy at the 50th %tile for both height and weight. Not quite sure how that boy grows since eating can be such a struggle some days...he just doesn't like to take the time to eat!! (unless it is candy or cookies). We have had thoughts on potentially getting surgery done this year for Michael's very prominent ears...the pediatrician is on board with the idea because of the social impact this very well will have in the future (Michael has already had a few comments from preschoolers who we know have no malicious meaning to what they say, but what will happen in the future?)
I completely forgot to mention how back at the end of July\first of August we drove the family to Aspen, CO for an Allergy conference/mini vacation. The kids did great in the car for the long drive (about 12 hours total). Part of the drive was a bit scary b/c the GPS took across Independence Pass (I am not a lover of heights and in many areas the side of the road just dropped off) It was great to get away from all the appointments and just relax and enjoy the outdoors!! We did some outdoor, sightseeing, hiking (as much as you can do with to young kids and a pregnant mommy), and rode the gondola in between the time Tom had to attend the conference.
Gondola Ride in Aspen, CO
And August was also the month we learned we were having another baby girl during my 20 week ultrasound that showed a happy, healthy baby!!
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